

(TrenDinG) Makan Pil Perancang, Ovari Pecah.. Seorang Gadis Berpesan Kepada Golongan Suami Isteri Tentang Perkara Penting Ini.. Baca Dan Sebarkan!

"Saya harap, apa yang saya ceritakan dapat buka mata semua terutamanya, para suami. Cuba renungkan.. banyakkan pengorbanan isteri? Ini adalah educational story.. Jangan anggap bukan-bukan pulak. We're adults anyways.."


Bacalah. This is very important for wives & also husbands. So few days ago, my husband came back & told me a bad news about his friend's wife. She has been taking contraceptive pills (pil perancang) for quite  long. Yang jenis kena makan hari2 tu.

To cut the story short, she suddenly had sharp pain in her abdomen. After x-ray and all that, apparently ovari dia pecah. I'm not sure which side. And doc said it was probably because of pil perancang which she's been taking daily. She was totally down sebab sebelah ovari kiranya dah rosak, though the other side is still working. Let's pray Allah will grant her sabr for this trial.

You see. Women are strong and sacrifice a lot in their lives. They get pregnant. They deliver children. They nurse their babies. And for some of them, they even need to think of how not to get pregnant if both spouses are on family planning. Some kena makan pil, kena pakai IUD, kena masuk implant etc. All these contraceptive methods of course la ada effect dia. Ada yang buat badan naik, muka berjerawat, dizziness etc. Haih.

It's good to do family planning kalau kita tahu tak mampu bagi proper Islamic upbringing kat anak-anak. Plus, wife needs time to rest her womb and body too; supaya rahim sihat & cantik balik because that womb will be a temporary 'house' for the baby. Yes, anak tu rezeki tapi suami jangan lupa tanya dulu isteri-- dah ready physically and mentally ke belum? Sebab ibu adalah madrasah pertama anak-anak. Besar tanggungjawab. Ibu yang kena lalui 9bulan 10hari, sakit contraction, sakit bersalin semua tu. If wife okay, then it's fine. Tapi kalau tak ready, in Islam; it's permissible to delay children.

But, husband and wife should tolerate with each other. Suami kena faham keadaan isteri juga. Janganlah isteri kena berkorban segalanya. Dari mengandung, beranak, menyusu, jaga anak. Takkan isteri juga kena guna contraceptive methods ni semua? Tak kasihan ke wahai suami? Fikirlah macam mana pula suami boleh berkorban bab ni.

I will share a piece of answers from islam.qa regarding family planning as knowledge for all;

As Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with said):

“We used to engage in ‘azl [coitus interruptus, a form of contraception] at the time when the Qur’an was being revealed. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5208) and Muslim (1440).

‘Azl (coitus interruptus) means ejaculating outside the woman’s vagina in order to avoid pregnancy.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) quoted this hadith as evidence for it being permissible to space having children in order to give them a proper Islamic upbringing, when he said:

If a woman has a lot of children, and it is difficult for her to give them a proper Islamic upbringing because they are so many, then there is nothing wrong with her taking something to space her pregnancies in order to achieve this important purpose, so that pregnancy will not adversely affect her or her children, as Allah has permitted ‘azl for this and similar purposes.

End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala ad-Darb by Ibn Baaz ed. by ash-Shuway‘ir (21/394)

I hope this post dapat buka mata semua terutamanya para suami. Cuba renungkan; banyakkan pengorbanan isteri?

Ini adalah educational post. Jangan anggap bukan-bukan pulak. We're adults anyways.

Prof. Elluhaya.

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